It's amazing how many little things there are to get done and to make things work and make something come off well.
I've experienced it when giving presentations, planning events, planning and conducting meetings, and now with my job and the ways it impacts the life of me and my family. There are literally a thousand little things to take care of. If some of them don't get taken care of, everything is still going to happen but it just won't come off as well. There are also things that you take care of but if you don't redo them to get them just right it will be just a little harder when the event happens.
Pretty vague, right? Here is an example, but don't worry I won't give
all of the detail. When I worked at LDS Employment Resource Services I put on monthly training meetings for employment specialists. It seems pretty simple from the outside, but there are so many things that make it happen. At one point I moved to a new building to better accommodate the group. It needed to be centrally located, easy to find, have parking, have an internet connection that I could connect to, have enough space for all the people, and give me access on the evenings I needed it. It took a lot of asking questions, prayer, visits and checking with people to find the right spot and make sure it was good. Then there is getting the right presenters, making sure they get there and know what to expect and have the right technology. There is also the other training to prepare, handouts, announcements, chair set up and take down, sound, communicating location date and time, recording who is coming, getting help for everything, and the list goes on. I learned that I should always go early and check to see if everything was okay and that systems were working, internet up, had the supplies I needed and so on.

Well, now I am in a job that entails moving myself and my family long distances frequently and it involves a lot of things in a way very similar to that. There are things normal to any job that changes, even within the same company. You have the new office, moving your things, your Email and access and passing things on and new supervisors and co-workers, etc. But there is also all of the details that need quite a bit of attention from a personal standpoint. There are things like, what about the car, what about insurance, the plane tickets, the connections, what will we bring on the plane to keep the children and ourselves occupied, what do we put in our luggage and what do we ship, when do we do those things, where are our connections, what's the right time to get the visas, what about medicine, etc. It can get pretty complicated and pretty important. And just like the meeting I described above, the clock is ticking and it's coming.
Wish me luck on my end of language training test this Tuesday. A prayer would also be nice.