Let's see. . .
What's interesting this week?
Still a bunch of Emails to go through from the time while I was gone last week to Hong Kong. It's hard to get through them all when they just keep coming!
Work continues to be interesting. There's always plenty going on. I'm never bored. In fact, time seems to be going so fast.
LDS Conference Center in Salt Lake |
Today was a busy Sunday for me: I had to conduct sacrament meeting, open and close the adult Sunday School and attend the primary class for the older kids in between conducting Sunday School, conduct opening exercises of priesthood meeting, teach the lesson for the young men in their priesthood meeting, and process donations after church. Luckily, I didn't have any other meetings or anything after that. If I was in the U.S. I would have been watching General Conference today, but since it's broadcast live in the middle of the night everyone here watches it rebroadcast during our day next week. Looking forward to watching it and watching the priesthood session with my son. We'll probably watch it on the internet late Saturday night or something after the younger ones have gone to bed.
In other news . . .
Sometimes found on their backs, legs twitching |
I found out that cockroaches actually do fly sometimes! There was one on the curtain in my bedroom a little higher than I can reach. I got a magazine and a container thinking I would sweep it off into the container, cover it with the magazine and leave it for someone else to kill (our house staff maybe?). But it didn't quite happen that way. Just as I pushed the curtain back and began to sweep it off, it began to fly, missed the container, hit my hand (gross!), and flew past me, landing on my bed! I jumped over to sweep it off again, but it didn't go straight down and landed on my bag (sick-o!). I tried to move it so I could put the container down on top of it and it ran under my bed. In the short time it took me to reach over there and look under, I couldn't see it anywhere. It's dark under there, but even after getting a flashlight I couldn't find it. I looked all over the room and behind things and couldn't find it. There's a big space under the panel behind our bed that is part of the wall. My wife and I figured it must have gone under there. When I got up in the morning I noticed the container in the bathroom over a cockroach. It turns out my wife got up very early to use the restroom and there it was. (Hopefully that's the same one and not another).
HATE cockroaches. I grew up with them. They are NOT my friends. We would come home at night, turn on the light and watch them scatter. In the morning we would sanitize everything before we could fix breakfast. We even washed out the dish we were going to use. You will always remember the cockroaches.