Highlight of my weekend: Priesthood Session of General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ with my son. I have looked forward to attending this session of conference with him ever since he was born because I love going to this meeting twice a year myself and love the bond I feel with other priesthood holders while attending it. The challenge this year is a couple of things. First, priesthood session is live 7 am to 9 am in our time zone but not broadcast over the Internet, only by satellite. Second, our branch holds regular meetings, starting at 9 am on that Sunday. Third, if they did the broadcast before church over satellite at our church building it would likely be in Indonesian since that is what they speak here. So I decided instead of going to the church the next week to listen to the meeting in Indonesian that I would download it and watch it at home with my son. We put our church clothes on, got some ice cream at a local market and then settled in to watch it after the other kids went to bed on Saturday night. It was almost like the real thing, except I didn't back my car in to the parking space at our house.
LDS General Conference |
U.S. House Chamber |
Highlight of my weekend 2: Watching all of the sessions of General Conference at home. Since our branch, and all the others in Indonesia watch the Conference the weekend after in Indonesia at the meetinghouse in Indonesian, we watched the sessions at home in English on our own. I downloaded all the sessions and connected my computer to our big television. It was awesome. Our kids even listened some of the time!
Frustration of my week: Waiting for Congress to pass a budget. I work very hard and wish they could pass budgets on time so I can do the work they've mandated me to do more efficiently.
Relief of my week: A budget passed and the government will not be shut down.
Frustration of my week 2: A couple of days or so of sickness bad enough to make me feel a little miserable: congestion, headache, tiredness, etc.
Relief of my week 2: I feel like I am getting better after going home from work early one day, skipping a meeting and getting a lot more sleep than usual. Just an occasional cough lingers on.
Question of my week: Why do mosquitoes love me so much? I have been bitten this week at least 20 times. Almost every one while in my own house. Not sure how so many are inside my house all of the sudden or why if the numbers were always the same why they're biting me more now. But I itch everywhere. I have them on my neck, arms, elbows fingers, knees, calves, and ankles. The night before last I woke up a little after 3:30 am because one buzzed so close to my ear that the sound woke me up.
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