A Family Home Evening lesson on the Creation taught by our five-year-old was good. He was only really able to do a little and I ended up doing a lot of the question asking, reading, and other prep, (like the True/False quiz), but I think that he paid attention to the lesson more this time than any other in recent memory. Maybe "he" should do the lesson more often!
I had a full week of language class on my own. It was fun, helpful, and tiring. We got into some pretty specific topics at times like what kinds of extraction industries are in Canada and how they get oil out of oil shale.
My eye has been irritated and watery since swimming a week ago and one of my teachers asked me a question every few minutes about it, (it must have really been bugging her, but didn't bother me very much). Try explaining in Indonesian that something is wrong with the eye but it doesn't hurt when they say that something is wrong or sick and something hurts in the same way.
It has been fun to try to follow the World Cup this week. I have had the chance to talk with a couple of my teachers about it several times. I find I am really having to keep more up on current events these days as fodder for language discussions.
This was the last week of school for my kids and we even attended a "moving up" ceremony that was just like a graduation for my oldest. I'm not sure how I feel about these sorts of things. I guess it's okay to have something like that since they are moving on, but I still can't help but feel that it might be okay just to graduate once when you actually finish public school, too.
We also got to watch the children of a neighbor of ours so they could go to the temple as part of our church calling on the "temple committee". We had a good time and I must say that 2-year old boys really are hilarious and fun but definitely need to be observed more often than I remembered.
The highlight of the week was today, Father's Day. My wife and children really helped make my day special with special meals, cards, presents, etc. They are the greatest. I really love and appreciate my wife and children. I am "home" wherever I am when I am with them.
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