Monday, October 26, 2009

My Pick

This week was filled with training and reading and Email coordination. Two days of the week I had training that was scheduled for me about security and safety overseas. The other days of the week I had to figure out something on my own. It is a good challenge to have. Even when I wasn't scheduled to be anywhere, I still got up and went to work to make sure I did something productive. It is a rare opportunity to be able to choose what I will study and when. It was surprisingly difficult! I feel like I spent the time well attending lectures, reading, sending and reading Email, doing research, finding out more about resources available to me for future reference, and working on my schedule for the next couple of months.
Oh, and one exciting thing for me . . . I picked up a map of the world that shows the time zones and U.S. Embassies and other posts overseas and ordered a big wall map of Indonesia!
We had a couple of crazy days this week, too. The craziest was the day the power went out at 8:30 p.m. and didn't come back on until 2:30 p.m. the next day. I went for an early morning run that morning only to realize afterward that our water heater has some kind of electrical component. I had to take a shower anyway. It was VERY cold. After a couple of minutes it wasn't too bad, because my skin was numb by that time. It would have been 100% torture if I hadn't run that morning and been really hot. Anyway, I'm thankful for electricity for sure. I was thinking that maybe when I live in Indonesia and it is 95 degrees every day, I might pick cold showers every day to cool off!


  1. Fill your own day? Do they have a list of stuff to learn and a deadline and then you are on your own?
    Maps are always so cool.

  2. We have a friend who turns the water to cold at the end of each shower for a minute or so. He got this idea from a grandfather--the theory is, if he can handle a cold shower, he can handle anything. You should try it! :)

  3. Sorry to hear about your power. I would've loved it as I don't shower w/hot water!! Crazy, I know. I always think of you when I see a map-any kind of map!

  4. Great question, Jenny. Because of so many different training classes going on and people in and out I sometimes have gaps in between scheduled training when I need to find something productive to do, either preparing for a future assignment in some way or helping out somewhere. Most of the responsibility for figuring this out falls to me. Most days, however, I do have specific training scheduled.
