I even bought some dictionaries. My wife laughs at me because I told her I needed different kinds of dictionaries for different kinds of things. I have one for desk reference that is more comprehensive, ("one set" actually, since it is two dictionaries, Indonesian-English and English-Indonesian), one comprehensive but smaller one for everyday reference, and one small phrasebook/dictionary to tote around with me to reference when a word I should know pops into my head and I want to know at that moment what it means. There is still so much Indonesian I don't know, (huge understatement), but it is beginning to feel familiar. That is a really good thing in my experience. If it's sounds and patterns and words are starting to become familiar and almost normal sounding than I feel like I am on the verge of really learning a lot more.
There are still not enough hours in the day, however, to make things really stick. It takes me hours to really get down inside and out a couple dozen words or phrases. When I'm going to need to know tens of thousands; that is a lot of hours. Saturdays are so full of other things and I try not to study on Sundays, so the couple of hours on the evening go pretty fast. I am confident, though, that with a lot of study and trying to do what's right and prayer and keeping the Sabbath day holy that I can be blessed beyond my own ability. I've had this blessing so many times before in my life that I don't know why this time would really be any different. I am really enjoying it, even though my brain feels like it is on fire and completely saturated most of the time.

I did take a course on protocol this past Saturday. It was interesting. Some things I knew and some I wasn't too sure about. The whole point is certain ways things are done so that it's easier to operate understandably in diplomatic events like dinners and receptions and not bring undue negative attention to yourself. We learned about where to sit people, how to eat with the different kinds of silverware and courses, the right way to work a reception, what to wear, how to address and introduce people, etc. Good to know.

We also nailed down some details this week about our new church calling. My wife and I will be teaching a Sunday School class in the Young Single Adult ward in our stake on preparing for marriage. We are excited to do it together. It will be a lot of work, but potentially very rewarding. We will likely start at the end of the month. We will go to the ward next Sunday and give a couple of short talks in Sacrament Meeting and start to get familiar with the ward. I guess I'm not only getting into Indonesian but also a new church calling!
May this coming week be as good as the rest!
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