Watermelon Juice |
This past month we have gone out to eat a couple of times as a family. My children laugh at me a little because I love the watermelon juice so much. They laugh that I say, "It's so refreshing." But really, it is sooo refreshing. One of the things i love about living in Indonesia is being able to order fruit drinks every time I go anywhere to eat. It is really great to have fresh juice and so many different types, not just apple and orange. My favorites are the ones that are just the fruit all blended up into a juice. This is how the watermelon comes out. It's not watermelon flavored, but actual watermelon juice. It's so refreshing, I can't think of many things better. (Wait, I think I already said that.) I thought very briefly about the problems I might cause by ordering juice when water had already been ordered for our children, but I just had to have some juice for myself. So I just plunged right in to whatever consequences might result, knowing that the juice was exactly what I needed at that moment. It was so much what I needed that I ordered another.
I also like this one - Avocado Juice |